Jumat, 26 Juni 2009

take care love before you lose him

guard those who love you not because you can have it forever
enjoy it every time with you because it might lose him.
he next day but you do not look you want.
second is sincere smile upon him. cursory look and you should realize he is not faithful to wait forever for you.
time he went silent freshman you only see when he is running far away, you can only cry "do not leave me, I still need you" but he may only peek at a glance, without a smile like that time.
biodiversity is the words you can definitely feel it and how pathetic his heart this time the pain to leave the same people that we love.

Rabu, 10 Juni 2009

regard miss

when you open the eye
Remember there is
love that awaits you
when you go away
remember there is someone
who is sick for thee
when you hear a bird sound
it is my longing for you

Selasa, 07 April 2009

di balik cobaan

Ketika kumohon kesehatan
Dia beri sakit
agaer aku bisa menghargai hidupku

karena itu,bersyukurlah
dalam segala hal
karena rancangan-NYA maha indah.....
jadi bersabarlah menghadipi cobaan yang diberikan-Nya

Kamis, 22 Januari 2009

" if the pain longing ""

time to revolve

I wait for the night he remembers me

protect the night

I complain silence day

a jar of water droplets of this

because I remember you

and I carve your name in the beautiful heart

farewell night........."""" ^_^

When mentari have drowned

it feels soft evening wind

when its a night cramps

through the dark night libretto

from the heart in the most

I wish you good night

Jumat, 09 Januari 2009

tuk sahabat

mengenalmu satu keindahan
bergurau denganmu satu kebahagiaan
bertemu denganmu satu keinginanku
satu harapan dari ku
agar kamu tetap jadi temen sajatiku
yang bisa mengerti aku


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